Best Weapons for Arlecchino in Genshin Impact 4.6: From 5-Star Might to F2P Power

Arlecchino, the upcoming arrival in Genshin Impact version 4.6, is poised to take the battlefield by storm. But what weapon will unleash her full potential? This guide explores the best options, from her signature 5-star polearm to fantastic free-to-play alternatives.

Best Weapons for Arlecchino in Genshin Impact 4.6

As with any character, their signature weapon is a top contender. Arlecchino is no exception. Crimson Moon’s Semblance boasts a 22.1% Critical Rate boost, perfectly complementing her kit. But it doesn’t stop there. This polearm’s passive enhances her “Bond of Life” mechanic and strengthens her overall damage output.

Arlecchino weapons
Image via HoYoverse

5-Star Alternatives for Peak Performance

While Crimson Moon’s Semblance reigns supreme, several other 5-star polearms offer excellent alternatives:

  • Primordial Jade Winged-Spear: Xiao’s signature weapon shines with Arlecchino as well, offering a critical rate boost and an attack increase.
  • Staff of Homa: Hu Tao’s weapon, Staff of Homa, provides a substantial critical damage boost (66.2%) alongside HP and attack buffs based on Arlecchino’s maximum HP.
  • Staff of Scarlet Sands: Designed for Cyno, this polearm can be a powerhouse for Arlecchino in a Vaporize team composition. It grants a massive 44.1% critical rate and additional attack based on her Elemental Mastery.
  • Calamity Queller: Shenhe’s polearm, Calamity Queller, is a solid choice, offering a high attack bonus and an Elemental DMG Bonus boost.

4-Star and F2P Gems

For players who prefer not to spend or haven’t reached the coveted 5-star tier, fear not! Arlecchino can make excellent use of several 4-star and free-to-play weapons:

  • Blackcliff Pole: Obtainable from the in-game shop, Blackcliff Pole focuses on critical damage, offering a 55.1% increase alongside an attack boost.
  • Deathmatch: This Battle Pass polearm reigns supreme among 4-star choices, granting Arlecchino a critical rate boost of 36.8% and increased attack.
  • Dragon’s Bane: For Vaporize teams, Dragon’s Bane is a great option, providing valuable Elemental Mastery through its secondary stat.

Early Game Option for Beginners

  • White Tassel (Beginner-Friendly): For players just starting their Genshin Impact journey, the trusty White Tassel is a fantastic choice for Arlecchino. This 3-star weapon holds its own against some 4-star options, offering a solid attack boost.

With this Genshin Impact guide in hand, you’re well-equipped to choose the perfect weapon for your Arlecchino. Remember, the ideal weapon choice can depend on your playstyle and team composition. So, experiment, find what works best for you, and dominate the battlefield with Arlecchino’s unmatched power!
