How to Fix Fallout: New Vegas Crashes

Fallout: New Vegas reigns supreme for many as the ultimate Fallout experience. But frequent crashes can put a damper on your post-apocalyptic adventures. Fear not, Vault Dweller, for solutions await!

Why Does New Vegas Crash?

Being an older game built with an engine not optimized for modern systems, New Vegas can struggle to run smoothly. However, there are ways to fight back and conquer those crashes!

How to Fix Fallout: New Vegas Crashes

PC Fixes: Modding Your Way to Stability

PC players hold a secret weapon: mods! Viva New Vegas is a godsend for the New Vegas community, offering clear and comprehensive modding instructions, whether you’re a seasoned modder or a curious newcomer.

fallout new vegas crashes

This essential resource prioritizes mods that enhance performance, prevent crashes, and add a visual touch to the Mojave. While additional gameplay-enriching mods exist, Viva New Vegas focuses on core stability. Following Viva New Vegas’ meticulous guide equips you with the tools to conquer crashes, with rare exceptions.

If Viva New Vegas seems a bit much, there are other crash-fighting mods available. But be warned, modding can be tricky, so Viva New Vegas is generally the recommended route.

Console Solutions: Save Often, Save Smart

Console players have a tougher road. Since modding isn’t an option, mitigating crashes relies heavily on diligent saving. Bethesda even suggests disabling autosave, as in-game autosaving might be the culprit. The onus falls on you to manually save every 5 minutes or so.

This might feel restrictive, but it’s the best defense you have against crashes on consoles. Unless, of course, you’re a die-hard fan willing to join the PC master race specifically for a crash-free New Vegas experience.

By following these tips, you should be able to significantly reduce crashes in Fallout: New Vegas and get back to enjoying your wasteland adventures.