LEGO Fortnite Leak: Animal Taming with Animal Cookies

Get ready to explore the quirky world of LEGO Fortnite with a furry (or feathery) friend by your side! According to a recent leak by iFireMonkey, Epic Games might be introducing a brand new item: Animal Cookies.

LEGO Fortnite Leak: Animal Taming with Animal Cookies

While venturing through the expansive world of LEGO Fortnite, you’ve encountered docile sheep, ferocious Brutes, and everything in between. Now, get ready for a new kind of interaction – companionship! Animal Cookies are rumored to allow you to tame these creatures, transforming them from potential threats or bystanders into loyal followers.

More Than Just a Pal

The leak suggests these tamed animals won’t just follow you around aimlessly. You’ll supposedly be able to issue commands, instructing them to stay put at specific locations. It’s also likely that keeping your new companions happy will involve feeding them, adding another layer to your LEGO Fortnite adventures.

lego fortnite Animal Cookies

While the leak showcases the Animal Cookie’s effect on boars currently, it hints at the possibility of taming a wider variety of animals in the future update. Imagine a loyal wolf pack or a helpful herd of sheep at your command!

Unconfirmed Release Date

The exact release date for this exciting feature remains under wraps. However, speculation suggests it might arrive with the upcoming v29.30 update, scheduled for Tuesday, April 23rd. Considering it’s the third major update of the season, anticipation for a content injection is high.

Remember, this is based on a leak, and Epic Games hasn’t officially confirmed the Animal Cookies or the taming feature. Stay tuned, LEGO Fortnite fans, as we eagerly await official news on this adorable (and potentially strategic) addition to the game!

About Fortnite

Fortnite is a popular online battle royale game that has captured the hearts of millions of players worldwide. It offers a unique blend of building, shooting, and survival gameplay, allowing players to unleash their creativity by constructing forts and crafting weapons to outlast their opponents. Beyond the battle royale mode, Fortnite also boasts a beloved Creative mode where players can design their own maps and game experiences, fostering a thriving community of creators and fostering endless replayability.
